An athlete with an overly acidic body will recover more slowly and consequently will experience fatigue. As with any stressor, the acidity will cause the cortisol levels to rise, which will impair sleep and make the problem worse. A sleep-deprived athlete has high cortisol levels and produces lower amounts of the growth hormone, which causes a loss of muscle mass and an increase of the fat tissue.

To correct this, the frustrated athlete starts training harder, but without a proper recovery, and the vicious circle begins. Additionally, metabolic acidosis causes kidney stones and loss of bone mass. Since it affects the body at a cellular level, it increases the production of free radicals and decreases the production of cellular energy. Many viruses and bacteria thrive in an acidic body and increase the risk for various diseases. In contrast, in an alkaline body not even cancer can develop.

Unfortunately, many athletes are used to eating processed protein bars full of preservatives and other chemicals, drinking sugary sports drinks, or consuming loads of processed protein powders in a false faith of improving performance. These “sport supplements” are highly acid-forming and in that sense, almost as bad as grabbing a soda, a candy bar, or a bag of chips.

Acid-forming nutrition is detrimental to anybody’s health, but especially to athletes. An overly acidic body negatively affects performance, prolongs recovery, decreases the intensity of training, and increases the risk of injury. Paying attention to the alkaline-acidic balance, (optimizing the body’s performance at the cellular level by maintaining an alkaline environment) will dramatically increase athletic performance.

Your body and performance depend upon the health of your cells. You need to maintain proper pH (potential hydrogen) levels to maintain good cellular health. On the pH scale, seven is neutral, any level below is acidic, and any level above is alkaline.

Chemical processes are the most efficient at an ideal pH. The body functions the best in a slightly alkaline state. Blood has a pH of 7.4 and dipping below 7.2 pH results in death. To avoid death, your body will do whatever it takes to neutralize acidic waste and maintain homeostasis, even if it means stealing the alkaline materials (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron) from the surrounding tissues and bones. While the body has its own smart buffering system (kidneys and lungs) to neutralize the acidic waste, sometimes it is not enough.

These buffering systems are taxed and depleted by diets overabundant in meats, dairy, processed grains, sport drinks, sodas, and other processed foods, most prescription drugs, artificial sweeteners and synthetic vitamin and mineral supplements, mental stress, performance anxiety, environmental toxins, and large amounts of acidic waste from frequent high-intensity training.

When the buffer reserves are all empty, in attempt to buffer the acidic waste, the body will pull out the alkaline minerals from the bones and connective tissue, leaving them more prone to injuries such as strains, fractures, and other chronic overuse injuries.

The more energy the body spends on cleaning the acidic waste, digesting processed and overly cooked foods that lack digestive enzymes and nutrients, the less energy will be left for intense training and recovery.

The paradox of the athlete is that they eat large amounts of food and usually pay attention to their protein intake, which they believe should be high. They are used to eating commercial protein bars, powders, and shakes, which are highly acid forming, but to aid the recovery and to nourish the body, it is extremely important to consume highly alkalizing foods immediately after exercise.

The good news and solution to this paradox is that eating whole foods plants and choosing those with higher amounts of protein will deliver adequate amounts of protein, covering the athletic needs efficiently.

Alkaline water improves exercise-induced metabolic acidosis and enhances anaerobic exercise performance in combat sport athletes. Read a scholarly article here:

A diet that supports alkalinity is recommended by sports nutritionists. Most athletes are locked into a dietary pattern that is acid-producing. They do not consume enough alkaline, mineral-rich foods, such as nuts, fruits, and vegetables. Instead their diets contain high amounts of acid-forming foods, such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy, energy bars sweetened with high fructose corn syrup or other unhealthy sugars, and acidic energy or sports drinks. Because of this dietary imbalance, they may be at risk for increased acidosis that affects overall health and sports performance.

Since proper hydration is also a key factor in preventing exercise fatigue, consuming restructured ionized water before, during and after exercise can improve hydration and help balance over-acidity.

The use of ion-rich alkaline water is proving to increase competitiveness and overall performance in world class athletes. Consuming ionized, alkaline water will reduce the accumulation of acidity in exercising muscles, improving work-out intensity and recovery time.

Dehydration is the biggest enemy to achieving optimum health and vitality. Regular people and high performance athletes alike all suffer from dehydration and is believed to be the biggest factor in optimum performance. Ionization lowers the surface tension of water significantly and breaks the molecular cluster of water down into a smaller size which can more easily permeate the cell wall and thus super hydrate the cell.

A super hydrated cell allows for faster contraction speed, the removal of metabolic waste products such as lactic acid, and has also been shown to improve protein synthesis along with numerous other cellular functions. Regular water can- not penetrate the cell to the same degree and in fact may be counterproductive to hydrating the cell. Most bottled waters, sports drinks, and energy drinks actually dehydrate the cell instead of hydrating it and reduces performance as opposed to increasing athletic ability.

Long-term dehydration leads to chronic injury due to the loss of minerals as the body struggles to alkalize the blood and tissues by stealing minerals out of connective tissues and bones. Chronic dehydration is a major contributor to why so many professional athletic careers are being cut short. Dehydration is also linked with asthma, allergies, diabetes, obesity, heart disease and cancer.

Here is what happens when your body becomes dehydrated:

  • Decline in athletic performance;
  • Body becomes acidic & goes into fat storage mode (It only takes an hour workout to get to this point);
  • Drop in muscle strength and endurance;
  • Drop in capacity for physical labor;
  • Concentration difficulty, drowsiness and headache;
  • Heartbeat increases and there are body temperature regulation issues;
  • You could collapse; Possible coma and even death.

Extreme exertion causes at least a 3-liter per hour loss of perspiration. Given the amount of water lost through sweat, it is vital to understand the body can only absorb fluids at a rate of just 1-liter per hour, which leaves your body suffering from a 2-liter hydration deficit. Athletes should consume ion-rich alkaline water produced from high-quality water ionizers before, during and after competition or training.

Extreme physical exertion causes an accelerated build up of acidic wastes in the body (lactic, uric, or ammonic acids) that harden and cause blockages in vital organs and the blood stream. These acids are more efficiently flushed out of the system with alkaline ionized water.

Super-hydrating with alkaline ionized water – daily drinking 10 to 14 glasses per day – shortens the recovery time normally required after athletic exertions. A shorter recovery time prepares the body for the next workout and increases the body’s endurance and stamina levels when consumed daily in sufficient quantity.

This living, super-hydrating water should be consumed before warming up, working out and especially during athletic competitions. Ion-rich alkaline water should also be consumed during periods of physical exertion to properly hydrate the athlete’s body. Alkaline water’s extraordinary hydrating and healing properties boost vitality, stamina and are vastly superior to bottled water products that are themselves acidic (most often less than 7.0 pH and as low as 3.5 pH), or “energy drinks” that can be addictive, can contain harmful additives, and may cause side effects.

The quality of water is dependent upon several things including purity, electrical charge, molecular structure, and alkalinity, or pH. Beware: “purified water” is a very misleading marketing morass. Most bottled waters are tap water put through reverse osmosis (RO), marketed by the large soft drink companies. It is “very, very pure water” – yes, but it is also devoid of minerals, has an acidic pH, and carries chemicals leached from the plastic. In Japan, they call RO water “dead” water! Bottled water is processed, bottled, transported overseas or across country, stored in warehouses and trucked to retail shelves (often exposed to extreme heat.) The longer the water remains inside the bottle – the more harmful petroleum based contaminants leach from the plastic into the water. For an athlete, using bottle water for hydration is a recipe for below-par performance.

The Cost of Winning

Can you buy a home water ionizer for Rs. 3 lakhs? You sure can!

You can also buy a bicycle for Rs. 5,000 instead of a carbon fiber bike for Rs. 3 lakhs; or you can skimp on trainer/ coaching fees and save a bundle.

Athletes are easily dehydrated – it is common to sweat 1 to 3 liters per hour when exercising in the heat! Decreased performance due to dehydration as little as 2% is common because of reduction in blood plasma volume. The body reduces blood flow to the skin which makes it harder to cool off the body internally, which increases body temperature. With reduced blood volume, comes reduced cardiac output, and impaired mental function.

Any kind of extended athletic endeavor can lead to dehydration – a long tennis match, 18 holes of golf on a hot day, a marathon or triathlon, or other types of exercise. Motor skills are affected, nerve transmission is slowed. For instance, many golfers have experienced poor performance on the back nine after a great game on the front nine.

This could be due to dehydration because they are drinking sodas, sports drinks or beer. Just a small decline in hydration affects fine motor skills – dehydration has almost imperceptible effects on the ability to send electrical signals, affecting the golf swing just a millimeter or two. Enough to take you from “in the sweet spot” to out of it!

Many World Class athletes have used a special type of water that creates an “inner terrain” alkaline environment to support optimal sports performance. With this water they have experienced faster recovery between bouts of anaerobic activity, more endurance and no delayed onset muscle soreness. In short, with this water, you can compress time – if it used to take 72 hours to recover between hard workouts, it may take only 48 hours with this water. Training schedules are created based on how long it takes to recover between hard workouts – you could take a 12 week cycle to 8 weeks.

Today’s athletes are stronger, faster and better conditioned than ever before. It is like going from a 4 cylinder car to a V12 engine without changing the gas! Athletes are like high performance cars and require a different fuel than before – “V12 Water” instead of sports drinks or plain bottled acidic water.

It does not matter whether you are an anaerobic, aerobic or a weekend athlete. This water will improve your performance, recovery time, and hydration.

Drinking Ionized Water Saves You Money in Many Ways!

  • Bottled water is expensive – 4 small bottles of water (500 ml) @ INR. 10 to 20 costs as much per liter as petrol! If you are an athlete you may spend as much as INR. 1,500 to 2,500 per month on water;
  • Sports Drinks – Do you consume sports drinks, energy drinks or soda pop? Not only are they acidic and not doing you much good, they add up over the month. Figure at least INR. 3,000 per month for “rehydrating energy drinks;”
  • Specialty Coffee Drinks – Many athletes believe caffeine improves performance, and of course, they need those simple sugar calories! At around INR. 250 a pop after your daily workout, that comes to INR. 7,500 per month. (At least it contributes to your carbo loading needs!);
  • Over-the-Counter Medications, Prescriptions, and Supplements – That includes anti-inflammatory for post-workout pain, various vitamins for performance enhancement. Figure you can cut your supplement usage in half, and rely far less often on pain relievers.

If you could save around Rs. 10,000 per month just on these items alone, would you spend Rs. 50 per day to gain the massive health benefits of drinking this Special Water?

The lifespan of the unit which produces this special water is over 20 years. With a flow rate of around 6 liter per minute, you can get virtually unlimited quantity of water per day. Do the Math – the cost works out to less than Rs. 50 per day.

More Endurance – Faster Recovery – Enhanced Performance – Advanced Hydration Solution for Athletes!!

Call for a FREE Live Demonstration of this Special Water.

Change Your Water – Change Your Life™

Dr. Debi Prasad Acharjya


Mb: + 91 9748760027 (Kolkata, India)