We know, by mentioning hydrogen we are probably reminding you of all the challenging chemistry classes you had to take in high school or college. But do not panic yet and come back out of your closet, there is no need to hide. We will discuss some chemistry concepts but nothing too crazy.

In all reality there is some amazing science behind why your body needs hydrogen to be working at optimum performance. After all, this is our goal for you and for us… to be at optimal health and perform the best our bodies can.

When most people think of hydrogen, the last place they think about is it being in our body. Sure you think about oxygen since you cannot breathe without it. But what about hydrogen and how does it apply to us? To answer that, we need to get back to some basics.

Hydrogen for Beginners – A Fair Warning – “It is going to get a little scientific.”

Hydrogen is the most basic molecule on the periodic table. It has 1 electron, 1 proton, and 1 neutron. Now, molecules have layers much like an onion. The layers or shells are universal for every molecule and they operate based off of how many electrons each molecule has.

It is good to remember that not all molecules are stable. What does this mean and why is it important to remember? These layers can only hold a certain amount of electrons per layer or shell. For example, the first layer can only hold 2 electrons and the second layer can only hold 8 electrons and so on for the other layers of much larger molecules. If each layer is full to its capacity, then it is a stable molecule. If it is not full to capacity, then it will want to share electrons with other molecules to reach the full capacity of each layer. Some molecules are unstable because they do not naturally have the perfect amount of electrons to fill each layer or shell fully.

Let us look at oxygen and hydrogen as examples. Hydrogen only has 1 electron. However, the first layer that each and every molecule wants is to have 2 electrons to be stable. So naturally hydrogen is not stable by itself and is always looking for another molecule partner to pair up with, to be stable. Oxygen has 8 electrons naturally. This means that the first layer has its 2 electrons and then the second layer will only have 6 electrons to total 8 electrons all together – “2 in the first layer and 6 in the second.”

Now that we learned how molecules want to be stable we now see that oxygen is also “unstable naturally” and wants to pair as well to be stable in its second layer. It only needs 2 more electrons to achieve stability. Now that we know hydrogen is always looking for a friend and so is oxygen then why they do not just become friends and help each other out?

The answer is they do. An oxygen pairs with 2 hydrogen’s in order to be happy and stable. This is new friendship is known as H2O or more commonly known as water.

How Does this Apply To You?

Oxygen and hydrogen by themselves in a singular form are rare to find in nature and thus it is super important to know that when we talk about hydrogen we are almost always referring to diatomic hydrogen or H2. It is this H2 that is so amazing for our bodies. The rates of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and many neurological disorders, such as: autism, ADD, depression, Alzheimer’s, etc. are disturbingly high. The need for a natural and safe anti-aging remedy that brings the body back to homeostasis has never been greater. Scientific research on molecular hydrogen suggests that this long forgotten molecule may be the key to the revolution of health and wellness. This is why we have created our products to provide you with a plentiful source of hydrogen in your diet.

In essence, our body is riddled with oxidizing molecules. Some serve a function to help our body and some destroy it. The most common form of this is hydroxyl radicals. Hydrogen is a very selective and picky molecule. It loves to bond or be friends with hydroxyl radicals and make them harmless to our body, which is convenient for us since we do not want these radicals in our body. These hydroxyl radicals are causing oxidative stress in the body which if left alone to be destructive will in most cases cause disease and cancer. This is why we need hydrogen in our bodies.

It is also important to remember that our furry loved ones – our pets – need hydrogen too. Pets go through very harsh environments whether it is their food quality or the fact that they live outside. They have plenty of oxidative stress in their lives just as much as we do, if not more. Do not be afraid to give your pets good quality food and hydrogen. The best way is through water by way of electrolysis.

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