Relationships are an important area of our life!

It can bring us great joy or deep distress. We cannot control what the other person does, but we can surely control what we do. We must develop an ability to nurture and cherish relationships to lead a fulfilling life.


Sharing a genuine relationship with people whom you care, love, respect and admire is essential to be happy in life. Being social animals and living in a civilized society, humans cannot live without authentic and meaningful relationships.


If you want to live a powerful, successful, peaceful and a fulfilling life, one of the key areas of our life is to develop, maintain and nourish powerful relationships.


Irrespective of whether you have close friends or not, you do have pre-defined relationships with people in your family.








These are special relationships (blood-relationships), which you cannot choose, as they are there by default. These are of utmost importance and significance to your life as they matter a lot to you.


People have countless problems with relationships. Today, causal relationships have become order of the day and authentic relationships very complex.


Do you know when the term “relationship” established in your life? When did you really start having a relationship with others? Do you know who the source of your relationships is?











Your relationship with others started on the day you were conceived.


Whatever you are today, it is due to your parents, because they were the divine source. I call it the “Power Relationship.” There cannot be anything better than the phenomenon of creation.


If you have any strain, stress, or blockage in your power relationship with your parents – the source of your very own life, you cannot experience authentic and strong relationship with other people in your life, whatsoever.

This powerful relationship with your parents is eternal and will remain with you forever, irrespective of their physical presence. Your parents - wherever they are, love you with same amount of love that was there when you were born.







This seminar will help you to establish a direct communication with them. You will learn to enjoy a complete relationship with your parent(s) that has does not have any hurt, stress and strain. You will be complete with your parents.


This seminar will help you to establish a direct communication with them. You will learn to enjoy a complete relationship with your parent(s) that has does not have any hurt, stress and strain. You will be complete with your parents.